e·connect for industry
Increase the productivity of your processes.
Once you know what's wrong, you can fix it.
What’s the use of getting information on past events? For one, it definitely reduces your reaction time.
Having all the information in real time allows you to save time and turn your factory into a high-performance production centre.
Fix inefficiencies in the productive process immediately.

What does e-connect allow you to do?
Improve your OEE
by up to 20%.
Recover your investment in a
maximum of 6 months.
Enter the world of industry 4.0 in less than an hour, with a gradual, scalable digital transformation.
Why should I use e-connect?
To discover the inefficiencies in your production processes and turn them into profit-producing points.
To control the real performance of any machine and/or process.
To be able to zoom in as regards the OEE (from your production plants to any of your machines).
To make clear strides towards your goals.
To take decisions based on real data that is always up to date.
To increase your sales; the same machinery can produce more.
To easily and intuitively access the information from any mobile phone or computer.
To receive the notifications and alerts you wish to have through WhatsApp or email.
Technical characteristics
- Can be integrated into any ERP or similar software.
- Control every kind of machine in your company through a single portal.
- Connect through Ethernet cable, wireless internet, or GSM without needing to open ports.
- Integration of the information

Download the complete technical data sheet here

Still not sure how to integrate it into your company?
Request a free personalised demo
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